Clint Eastwood Criticize Obama Policies

Clint Eastwood Criticize Obama Policies Occurrences Eastwood at the convention clearly as a form of support for Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. Support for Romney has been seen a few days earlier.

The mystery guest was cast criticism of President Barack Obama, the candidate of the Democratic Party. He mentioned Obama’s inability to tackle unemployment, as well as criticism of U.S. policy in Afghanistan in the political handling.

In a 10 minute speech, Eastwood said, Obama supporters including Oprah Winfrey was touched by the optimism of the U.S. in 2008. “In fact, I also helped moved. But, I no longer moved since I saw there are 23 million unemployed in this country,” says Eastwood.

Why Clint Eastwood’s speech worked Why is that? Is the Republican Party is not a bunch of yahoos in a less respectful tribute to the skills of rhetoric? They do not counter the critics and response show that there is more than one way to deliver a message. My gut feeling is that a whole lot of people across the political spectrum were good humored and inspired by the words of that iconic actor.

via Clint Eastwood Criticize Obama Policies


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